Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Laparotomy Recovery For Ovarian Cyst

elearning Tip: WIKI for collaborative work

@ uibk.ac.at g According to a Presseaussendun TÜV Nord more than 800 visitors a day marked on the virtual island in Second Life. Since December, you can dive even in the interior of a fuel cell, pure virtual course. Thus, Second Life is here used for elearning.
  • The company sees in Second Life a useful addition to the world in the house used video conference technology. Future lectures will also internal meetings in Second Life at TÜV North Island will be held.
    andreas.leitner @ uibk.ac.at

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Hdmi Inputdvd Recorder

    elearning Tip: Strong interest in TÜV NORD in Second Life Tip


    Tip: Would like to integrate with eCOOL

    elearning . This is referred to cool Dalton Plan
    by Helen Parkhurst. This Austrian version was developed in 1997 at the Hak
    in and tested. One third of class time are free phases run in which students work orders in blocked lessons independently and cooperatively. On the Web can be found already some partner schools. An interesting method is presented in detail in another article. andreas.leitner @ uibk.ac.at

    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Pokemon Gold Cheats On Vba

    elearning: elearning in teaching eCOOL

    The 16th international convention and trade show for Educational and Information Technology from 29 31 January. In the run were polled in an online survey to assess the elearning trends. The involved 105 people have wikis attributed the highest potential. Followed by a forum, FAQ and blog. Second Life wound up a dismal last place. Leider gibt es keine näheren Daten über die Expertisen der Teilgenommenen, sodass diese Daten nicht weiter interpretiert werden können. Wiki Forum FAQ Blog Chat Second Life andreas.leitner@uibk.ac.at

    Monday, April 21, 2008

    Free Abortions Clinics San Jose,ca

    elearning: Learning 2.0 on the Lerntec 2008

    Dieser Artikel von Christian Scholz stand am 20.04 im Standard unter der Rubrik Bildung und Karriere. Insbesonder wurden hier folgende Gründe für das Ende des E-Learning angeführt:
    E-Learning Plattformen haben die OpenSource Bewegung nicht als Marktbeschleuniger genutzt sondern bekämpft der Nutzen von e-Learning Plattformen wurde überschätzt number of educational topics useful topics to be covered is less than expected "Moreover, the model of the head teacher, the still current e-learning systems shapes, clearly had its day (Christian Scholz)." The same can also assess for learning in everyday life outside of schools and educational institutions. Therefore, I conclude after the reasoning of the author: learning in schools is dead
    andreas.leitner @ uibk.ac.at

    Sunday, April 20, 2008

    Most Common Ohio Lotto

    elearning Tip: Why E-learning is dead!

    elearning F1 quiz question: What
      in digital images, the name bit?
    1. What is the difference between 1 bit, 8 bit and 24 bit images?
    2. Tip: To learn
    3. longer term it is necessary that even comes up. In a dictionary or the Internet, the word meaning are rechercheirt. Anschliesend can be considered as associated with an image. Only then should you read the answer. After a week you can test whether you have learned the so-white.
    4. andreas.leitner @ uibk.ac.at

    Friday, April 18, 2008

    How Much Is The Cost Of Radioaactive Iodine

    elearning quiz question Q2: 1-24 bit difference

    elearning F1 Quiz question: Why referred to pictures in magazines as bitmap images?
  • Why are pictures in glossy magazines more detailed compared to newspapers?
  • Tip: To

    How Much Does A Chip Runnr

    elearning Quiz: Question F1 bitmap images

    • Quiz Lösung zu Frage F1:
    • Fotos und Bilder in Zeitschriften sind Bitmap Bilder. Je detailraicher das Bild ist umso höher muss auch die Anzahl der Bildpunkte sein. Deshalb haben diese Bilder eine höhere Auflösung.
    • Erklärung:
    • Das
    • bitmap image consists of many individual dots (pixels). Looking at a picture in a newspaper with a magnifying glass, we see these individual dots. Comparing to a picture in a glossy magazine, then one finds that there many more points are available and which are even smaller, too. Thus, the image is detailed and acts on a corresponding paper much better.
    • andreas.leitner @ uibk.ac.at

    Thursday, April 17, 2008

    What Are Good Dress Stores At Walden Galleria

    elearning quiz: L1 digital images

    If you read a printed magazine so the photos are mostly printed with a resolution of 300dpi. Therefore on a unit length of one inch (2.5 cm) 300 points (dots) printed. The more points the more detailed the picture being from a certain value our Auge das nicht mehr wahrnehmen kann. Je grösser aber die Auflösung umso grösser ist auch der Speicherplatz des Bildes. Auflösung von 72dpi notwendig.

    Eine Auflösung von 300dpi führt nur zueinem grossen Speicherbedarf des Bildes und zu einer längeren Übertragungsdauerüber das Internet.

    Druckt man ein Bild von 72dpi aus so sieht mandeutlich die schlechte Qualität und die einzelnen Bildpunkte.
