Monday, November 3, 2008

How To Install Plugins And Tools To Sim 4

Geet .. or not?

Some know it, others not, but there are alternatives to gasoline or other fossil fuels to save. One of these was invented by a Mr Paul Pantone GEET and is . What GEET it?

Alukas simplified system Geet

So simply said it comes the heat from the engine to use (no matter whether diesel or petrol) and the energy to do something useful, because the efficiency of the 100 years old piston engines are not exactly stunning.
combustion engine is a mechanical construction, the fresh air with gasoline or diesel fuel oil mix and bring to burn. Incineration is only possible because the oxygen and a combustible medium such as gas, gasoline, diesel or heavy oil gas mixed, compressed and ignited.

So, although we see when we " Geet Pantone" googling a pile of rubbish and nonsense, which I will here in the right light.

Presentations The video of Paul Pantone

the first person on the by Paul Pantone. He was in prison etc. .... So after his great idea he sought financing and found that not everything went as he had said the financier (he probably promised too much) wanted their money back and that's it then ... . whether justified or not is sometimes open to question. The important thing is

folded his invention. (Even if he had warmed in the video the engine, and the Crude oil diluted with gasoline was plentiful ...)

It became the Royalty Free reproduction (for small machines ) released by him. Thank you again in the name were all for it, and warm congratulations to this decision, because many patents large corporations bought never come to the market ... Unfortunately, the fate Paul Pantone badly hit, because he suffered several strokes and is seiddem in the loony bin . This is worse in the U.S. than in most other countries in the world, for once costs es viel Geld ( siehe Michael Moore Film ) und zum zweiten ist der Service sch .....bescheiden. Gute Besserung von ganzem Herzen.

Zur Erfindung, d as Ganze funktioniert so:

Für "Dummies": Das Ansaugrohr (aus Stahl) durch das Auspuffrohr stecken und den damit erzeugtem Dampf in das Benzin-Luftgemisch vermischen - das alles in den Motor und fertig.

Ich brauche weniger Treibstoff, da ich Wasserdampf beimische der sich mit dem Benzin/ Diesel in Synthesegas umwandelt und der Motor läuft besser und sauberer ohne Russ. Anmerkung: Das gab's alles schon beim Adolf im 2ten Weltkrieg, wurde danach aber ad akta gelegt.

Erklärung für Dipl. Ing`s
( und solche die es werden wollen):

Durch die Zentrifugalkräfte im Wirbelrohr, welches in einem Wärmetauscher angebracht ist (dem Auspuffrohr) werden leichte und schwere Moleküle getrennt. Aufgrund der Temperatur und des Vakuums erhält das Wasser eine überkritische Temperatur und spaltet sich teilweise in Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff in einer termolytischen Reaktion mit dem Eisen (FE) durch Dampf-Elektrolyse und Kohlenstoff to synthesis gas. The remainder is mixed as hyper-critical steam, diesel in the flask. At the high compression helps the hydrogen combustion to improve reaction speed and resulting from the hydrogen-oxygen reaction of residual water, the micro-droplets expand after the synthesis gas explosion suddenly as steam, which additional force gets to the engine and the engine temperature decreases because the heat is not transferred to the piston walls but is converted into mechanical force, ie it increases the efficiency of the engine at much less exhaust and with even decoke to the engine.

So, here come the doubters and Rumstänker to speak;)

"Nur mit Hitze und Unterdruck eine Auspuffrohres Knallgasgemisch erzeugen? Wenn das so einfach mit so lächerlichen Temperaturen möglich ist, wiso wird Wasserstoff dann Elektrolytisch oder aus CH-Gasen gewonnen?!? Das glaube ich nur aus Wissenschaftlicher Quelle... "

wenn nun tatsächlich wesentliche wasseranteile im reaktorrohr dissoziiert werden (passiert bei den normalen abgastemperaturen kaum, aber villeicht hat man da ja tatsächlich was geniales augetüftelt.....
bleibt immernoch das problem, das der grossteil, des wasserstoff-sauerstoff gemisches , which would leave the reactor immediately respond to each other again ...
from there still skeptical ....

scientific source? You! :

The French chemist Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) introduced in 1783 for the first time her 45g "artificial" water from hydrogen and oxygen. He also conducted experiments for the decomposition of water by: Lavoisier, it was also the French name of the Hydrogen Greek hydor ("water") and Gennao ("create") suggested.

attempt by Antoine Lavoisier to the decomposition of water: Water is passed through a heated gun barrel, oxidizes. In the original (right) collects hydrogen.

How do because now the pros?

Dr. Werner Schnurnberger, Dr. Holger Janssen-FZJ, Ursula Witt city-Fraunhofer ISE
"The Hydrosol process of thermal water splitting based on the selective oxidation and reduction of metal oxides. In this two-stage thermal Cycle (working temperatures between 800 and 1200 ° C) is released from iron oxides thermally oxygen and subsequently produced by reaction with steam reformation of the starting oxide hydrogen:

(MeX) Fe2O4 ⇔ (Mex) Fe2O4-d + d / 2 O2
(MeX) Fe2O4-d + d H2O ⇔ (Mex) Fe2O4 + d H2

by doping of iron oxides with other metal oxides (Me = nickel, manganese, zinc) solldie reaction rate of this heterogeneous solid reactions can be increased to the highest possible reaction conversion to . achieve "

Well, as hot exhaust gases are for? the manifold we have over 900 º C, dhwir have enough energy for a steam - electrolysis make the needed these temperatures. Nickel, manganese, zinc? Contained in stainless steel, so most everything except the inner reactor tube made of stainless steel. Important because the vacuum is replaced, the reaction temperature is further reduced.

More Scientific Theory:

GEET (P. Pantone): Applications of so-called "self-generated plasma discharges" for a electrochemical catalytic cracking process in which from low-quality fuels and other non-flammable liquids, a new species is generated from fuels: just before the actual combustion chamber is a special resonance chamber, takes place within the so something similar to a mini-thunderstorm. In the case of oscillating in the resonance chamber plasma discharges longitudinal electromagnetic processes play a decisive role. The experimental results from the experiments with the GEET aggregates clearly show that the Hertzian description insufficient to describe the longitudinal plasma effects.


Mytos and Geet reality of the principle:

"1 The invention is of Paul Pantone "

YES and NO because : steam reforming is a process of petrochemical in which, by thermal cracking longer-chain hydrocarbons (diesel, gasoline, etc.) are by water vapor in short-chain hydrocarbons converted.

The real cracker is a pipe reactor having a coil of about 90mm-120mm inner diameter and 60-80m length. The tube is made of stainless steel and is located in a furnace which is heated by flames.

The 100 ° C hot bottom product is preheated at about 12 bar in the convection zone of the furnace at 550-600 ° C. In this zone also 180-200 ° C is added to hot process steam (hence the name steam cracking). The process steam is used, a partial pressure der einzelnen Reaktions teilnehmer herbeizuführen. Zusätzlich verhindert er (durch sein eingenommenes Volumen) teilweise eine Aneinanderlagerung der fertigen Reaktions produkte und kühlt in der Konvektionszone das Anwärmerbündel ab.

Nach dem Boiler der Konvektionszone erreicht das nun mehr vollständig gasförmige Sumpfprodukt den Reaktor. In diesem wird es bei circa 805 bis 850 °C nun zu den niedermolekularen Kohlenwasserstoffen oder Synthesegas gecrackt.

"2. Ich Kann alles in dem Motor schütten: "

JA und NEIN ! aber wie geht das in diesem unglaublichen Video?
The video of Frederic Gauthier

It only used the gas is burned! Not the ketchup or orange juice. as long as I have about 35% of gasoline in the mixture I have enough power to the motor gasoline vapors. It is also water vapor generated (from Cola, milk, etc.) which sets the above described chemical reaction that produces synthesis gas (hydrogen-shares) and thus work the engine can be perfectly clean. What is omitted in the video are the residues in the tank which do not evaporate. There's the trick! But just make all such misappropriations unfortunately lacks credibility shame really.

"3 The reactor rod "

In Pantone's video is always pointed to the importance of the reactor staff, it should also north-south direction are shown ... Geomagnetism (?)... Bla, Bla ... ionization comes into play and it also improves the efficiency allegedly by the magnetic field again (ehem harm anyone who thinks it's ... does not ... jedenfals)
Well, ... our test machine (A power generator Einhell EST 2000 ) runs without tube reactor . However, with the reactor tube, the thermal surface increased, the temperature say better delivered to the gas mixture and more temperature means more hydrogen. We also have the effect of ultrasonic vortex tube (the flow of the gas generated ultrasonic whistles) which is the better mixing benefit.

"4 The engine is rust on "

the contrary. The combustion chamber is always clean. If water drips on a hot stove plate, it dances on the surface and does not cause rust. Together with the parts of the motor fuel partially burnished like a pan of a chef.
This is excellent and enhances the anti-adhesion effect. Here's how: The Pan is made red hot and then dipped in oil. Since it is a little less glowing out again and, after cooling, jet-black and matte finish. The can (s) then process again for a year with a steel gate valves, knife, fork and steel wool, and they definitely do not rust. Unless you put them into the dishwasher.
However, the muffler due to the higher water content of the gas-condensate rust sooner if he is not stainless steel. It depends on the circumstances, however, because a ship is not a truck or a stationary power generator. Rule of thumb, the more the engine off, the more rust in the exhaust and pistons.

"5 It is not long enough experience "

The false it is, however, in France, where mainly the farmers with their tractors have discovered the technique for themselves!

Here is the list of tags (2000 in French are )

"6 Why does not the automotive industry is not it? "

The Endwicklungstechniker Peugeot were developed on a visit to Mr. Giller, the farmers of the G-Pantone, and then also have a patent published. It also play a lot of financial interests. Who is actually the auto industry ? - DEN AUKTIONÄREN -und wer sind die? Wer sind die Grossen? Die Ölindustrie hat jedes jahr 3,6Trillonen $ zur Verfügung. Da kann man in den Jahren schon etwas zusammenkaufen. Allerdings bestens in Fond-Strukturen versteckt. Capital Research Management,Brandes Investment Partners, State Street, etc... ( schon in den 70er Jahren wurde 16% von Mercedes nach Dubai verkauft.)

G- Pantone ( Gillier Pant one)

Ein Franzö si s che r Ba ue r, a Mr. Gillier came up with the idea instead of the water and the fuel to mix in a boiler to inject just water in its diesel engine of the tractor , but after it was cracked by the GEET reactor and ionized.

He reached with his tractor 22 Masey Ferguson a savings of 50% with fantastic levels of emissions. The vehicle is now operating are 7 years in continuous use properly.

This idea was also the SPAD system (G-Pantone version) a very simple and efficient version that is primarily intended for diesel engines.

here to download the self-building instructions and plans

Many naturally wonder how I'm building a G-Pantone GEET or in my car, truck or tractor? How do I calculate the length and diameter?

  • The longer the reactor, the higher the effect, however, should be the same gas flow bleiben und der Motor nicht "erwürgt werden" d.h. ein 8 Liter V6 Diesel benötigt mehrere Reaktionsrohre um gut zu funktionieren( ca 8-12).
  • Wie lang soll der Reaktorstab sein? Das hängt vom Kraftstoff ab. Je leichter die Verdunstung des Kraftstoffes ist desto einfacher. Diesel benötigt deshalb längere Stäbe, wenn der Abstand zur wand aber mehr als 1 mm ist sollte er länger sein zwecks besserer Wärmeabgabe.
  • Das ganze funktioniert auch Pi mal Daumen d.h. je nach Platzangebot des Fahrzeugs und Literleistung/Umdrehungen des Motors. Ich empfehle lieber einen Reaktor mehr, als zuwenig in den SPAD einzubauen.
  • Durchmesser des Reaktor-Rohrs: 1/2" hat sich als Innenrohr durchgesetzt. Es kommt mainly on the surface and temperature at which the gas flows past.

project: cell
Geet Reactor + HHO Dry

Many hobbyists have been more or less success to an apparatus for electrolysis installed in her car with the parts you water into hydrogen and oxygen and H2O 2HO like this make for simplicity HHO Genant. This highly sensitive explosive gas is then conducted with a small tube into the intake manifold of the engine and finished. However, so some people already angry about the battery gauge when the system draws about 50A, for making particularly at night in the cold, something like not fun. The energy conservation law is ultimately responsible for .

"I get up so much energy out as I have previously put into it. " (According Aluka)

A owever many report that they have saved up to 30% fuel. How is that possible? Endweder lie and spin all (just like UFO sightings;)
Or, there's something, that something was overlooked.
's right, after all, the piston engines have very poor efficiency and wasting energy almost ungenutzt zumeist in form von Wärme aber auch an der Lichtmaschine wenn die Batterie voll ist.

Daher die Idee beide Welten zu kombinieren, die ungenutzte Wärme mit einem GEET System und die überschüssige elektrische Energie mit Elektrolyse.

Wenn es klappt, habe ich zwar keinen Wassermotor aber eine theoretische 80% Einsparung (Schön wär's...:)Wir werden sehen, denn der Sicherheitsaspekt ist mir extrem wichtig.

Welche Elektrolysetechnik ist denn die Beste?

Youtube ist voll davon, vor allem in den USA (kann ich verstehen for the drunkard carts) and all say they have found the best solution.

The wire version: Very nice, but the wetted surface is too low and the whole does not last long because even stainless steel scruffy on life. This system is also not efficient. I built one and can only confirm that there is no good. Certainly do not in the glass case! For explosion and glass = AUAA!

The tubes or Stan Meyer version: even better especially with PWM that is not just the current from the battery, but produced using pulsed frequencies, with so little power as much hydrogen. The Tubes in resonance frequency as possible while giving good results, but do not have as much surface area as a disk system.

The Pl attensystem: A very good surface wetting, and therefore a good efficiency, but unfortunately, voltage losses at the edges. Therefore, the efficiency is limited and unfortunately there is energy to be converted instead of hydrogen in the liquid.

Dry Cell: if it were a disk system which is by seals in a stable and dense. In contrast to systems where the electrolyte liquid in a container is the Dry Cell itself is the container with a higher lying exchange vessels. The fluid "pumped" because of the HHO bubbles themselves through the system and is thus much more efficient. 3-5L HHO per minute is quite a lot! It is also much safer than any glass container that cause explosive gas explosion dangerous splinters.



-designed for an operating voltage of 13.8 volts.

configuration 8 plates minus 4 x 2 x 2 x neutral plates plus Pol.

current consumption can be adjusted if possible

cell size: diameter 145 mm height 55 mm without connectors.

temperature range 0-50 degrees Celsius. There

More information can be found here:

HHO generator

My "Dry Cell" idea: How Dry Cells

structured? Quite simply, it is stainless steel plates (preferably Type 316L as highly corrosion-resistant) which have a seal are pressed separately between special backing plates made of plastic. The water intake is down and the output of HHO gas mixture above. Since the optimal voltage for electrolysis, but is between 1.7 to 2.2 V so-called "neutral cells" between the anode (+) and cathode (-) set to divide the voltage in the car because we have aged 12-13 , 8V. The art can easily imagine how in flashlight batteries are connected in series in a row add up the voltage, because it will be from 4 x 1.5V = 6V. Here's a video of


I think 5 neutral cells for optimal, since they result 1.714 V per cell. However, I am planning to replace the neutral cells by stainless steel wire, so I increase the wetted surface again, and theoretically have more power with the same amperage. Also decreases the flow resistance plates and the temperature between the cell. I use KOH as the electrolyte (alkaline), but only in small quantities, because I do not exceed 25A for the dynamo not to overload. I think the 10cm are a good size, because with increasing surface increases the risk of internal short circuit, there may be bent to large cells with heat expansion and touch as a result. It is mechanically simpler and state subsidy, whether it is also more efficient is Mr issue probably more.

the presumed structure: [- nnnnn + nnnnn - nnnnn + nnnnn-]

However, the first test cell 20 cm plates in order to later be able to compare with 10 cm cells Efizienz. The test assembly will be first dry cell HHO + Geet Einhell system with the power generator as it is provided on the top of a Graphic. Until then, it continues for a bit ...

just look at times and over ...
