Eingliederungsvereinbarungen mit Hilfe von § 55 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 SGG (Feststellungsklage) atomisieren!
Each ALG II recipients will eventually have this problem. It will demand from him a so-called integration agreement (EINV) signed. This agreement, which is a public. rechtl. contract, should the Challenge and support to hold binding in paper form. In fact, these EINV but unilateral dictates of the BA / consortium, with the objective either to realize as many penalties (savings) or recipients to provide more or less reasonable measures. paired
Out of ignorance with, be signed by authorities employees, indexed fear still too many people with these restrictive contracts. On the Internet haunt many ways that aim to lead to Rome around. As the legislature begins to close the remaining gaps, however, these possibilities have been exhausted soon.
Anyone wishing to make active resistance should be die o. g. Methode zu Nutze machen. Um den Ablauf bildlich darzustellen sei zunächst auf das Flussdiagramm hingewiesen. Die dafür benötigten Dokumentanvorlagen findet man hier .
Um sich in das Thema Eingliederungsvereinbarung einzulesen, sei auf die Webseite des Initiators verwiesen.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von "Savaran".
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Super Mario Wii Having Question Mark
Stimmungsmache gegen Hartz-IV
Scheinbar sind wir in Deutschland wieder soweit, dass man einen neuen Sündenbock für das Leid eines jeden sucht. Wer bietet sich da besser an als der Arbeitslose, der nach Meinung(smache) vieler, auch zum Teil seriöser, Medien seine Leistungen für tobacco and alcohol wasted? Probably also takes drugs and beats his wife along with children? And just because these people do not lobby (purchasing power) have they are also an easy victim of such a blanket insult. It seems that this Volkssprot for politicians, "Unemployment bashing" has become established in many parties. We may also not be missing Mr. Sarrazin in this chamber of horrors. He has sad popularity gained by his polemical , populist and sometimes equivocal statements . Even the prosecutor acquitted him . A true philanthropist indicated. One must ask the right, as this gentleman was able to get into the SPD? The Vogel, however, shot down Mr. Schmidt (FDP). He asked in all seriousness, that should go ALG II recipients in Berlin on Rattenjadgt . For each rat killed, they would receive a €. A new form of cynicism or the best evidence of total loss of reality? What's behind it? This propaganda is part of a subtle master plan. Be the 20th October 2009 the Constitutional Court deals with the level of currently being set too low shelf rates. Since the action of some committed applicant was accepted and it has good prospects of success, of course, the federal government fears that it will abgewatscht the Federal Constitutional Court, which of course is urgently needed would be. The verdict, which is eagerly anticipated, is the 09th February 2010 announced. However, to implement to the German tax-paying choice cattle, "the right opinion" is a considerable time a media hunt to which weakens our society, with the same old stereotypes statements organized in the course of the Hessian Mind ester President Koch (CDU) will be happy night riding . He has been a long time are ardent advocate of the so-called "Welfare to Work" program . Also known as the "Wisconsin model". To establish a project that serves a nationwide low-wage sector in Germany . This sei gesagt, dass dieses Modell schon in den USA gescheitert ist.
So it is then not surprising that the think-tank is periodically researches in order (which are mostly created by scientists who are in league with the INSM) and then the "desired" employer-friendly Ergibnisse to . present Such as: "Social inequality makes people happy," . And since the liberal message of the German Citizen who loves his social system, has still not arrived also makes them more . As reliance on the magazine ZAPP is we refer to the television program on the current topic, is to make this clear.
Scheinbar sind wir in Deutschland wieder soweit, dass man einen neuen Sündenbock für das Leid eines jeden sucht. Wer bietet sich da besser an als der Arbeitslose, der nach Meinung(smache) vieler, auch zum Teil seriöser, Medien seine Leistungen für tobacco and alcohol wasted? Probably also takes drugs and beats his wife along with children? And just because these people do not lobby (purchasing power) have they are also an easy victim of such a blanket insult. It seems that this Volkssprot for politicians, "Unemployment bashing" has become established in many parties. We may also not be missing Mr. Sarrazin in this chamber of horrors. He has sad popularity gained by his polemical , populist and sometimes equivocal statements . Even the prosecutor acquitted him . A true philanthropist indicated. One must ask the right, as this gentleman was able to get into the SPD? The Vogel, however, shot down Mr. Schmidt (FDP). He asked in all seriousness, that should go ALG II recipients in Berlin on Rattenjadgt . For each rat killed, they would receive a €. A new form of cynicism or the best evidence of total loss of reality? What's behind it? This propaganda is part of a subtle master plan. Be the 20th October 2009 the Constitutional Court deals with the level of currently being set too low shelf rates. Since the action of some committed applicant was accepted and it has good prospects of success, of course, the federal government fears that it will abgewatscht the Federal Constitutional Court, which of course is urgently needed would be. The verdict, which is eagerly anticipated, is the 09th February 2010 announced. However, to implement to the German tax-paying choice cattle, "the right opinion" is a considerable time a media hunt to which weakens our society, with the same old stereotypes statements organized in the course of the Hessian Mind ester President Koch (CDU) will be happy night riding . He has been a long time are ardent advocate of the so-called "Welfare to Work" program . Also known as the "Wisconsin model". To establish a project that serves a nationwide low-wage sector in Germany . This sei gesagt, dass dieses Modell schon in den USA gescheitert ist.
"Auch auf dem Arbeitsmarkt wurden nicht die gewünschten Effekte erzielt. Die Kosten für Sozialleistungen sind erheblich gestiegen. Selbst in Wisconsin mit vergleichsweise günstigeren Ausgangsbedingungen ist das „Welfare-to-Work“-Modell gescheitert.“Tommy Thompsen . Leider ist diese Botschaft hierzulande noch nicht durchgedrungen. Diese Tatsache liegt höchstwahrscheinlich daran, dass es in Deutschland eine große wirtschaftsnahe Lobby gibt, die daran interessiert ist Dumpinglöhne zu etablieren. Der größte Think-Tank ist dabei die sog. Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM) deren selbsternanntes "The INSM would in his own words, the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany from the" goal is
necessity of market reforms "to convince. The social market economy must be adapted to the conditions of the 21st century ..."INSM
So it is then not surprising that the think-tank is periodically researches in order (which are mostly created by scientists who are in league with the INSM) and then the "desired" employer-friendly Ergibnisse to . present Such as: "Social inequality makes people happy," . And since the liberal message of the German Citizen who loves his social system, has still not arrived also makes them more . As reliance on the magazine ZAPP is we refer to the television program on the current topic, is to make this clear.
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