Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does One Acknowledge Receipt Of A Sympathy Card

29th November 2009 reading Thielmann: "India from within" 16

Der aus Deutschland stammende Dichter, Fotograf and singer Thielmann is on 1 Advent from his new book "INDIA FROM WITHIN" read the first time in Austria. The artist combines poetry with photography in it. It is during the reading of photographs, both from India showing and sing their own songs.

Thielmann completed a successful reading tour through 16 German cities this fall. The "Meinerzhagen newspaper wrote:

" Eloquently! Thiel's verses always touched directly and weaving, in combination with photos and music, the audience in an intense, sensual atmosphere. How convincing he succeeded, showed the enthusiastic applause and the lively exchange in the break and nach der Lesung. Mit seiner facettenreichen, einfühlsamen Liebeserklärung an ein `rätselhaft magisches, wundersam fremdes Land` voller Widersprüche hatte Thielmann die Zuschauer berührt.“

Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt! Aufgrund des beschränkten Platz-Angebotes bitten wir um Reservierung unter: Tel.: 01-997 15 81-0 oder per E-Mail unter: office@mayaindia.at Jeder Gast, der vorab reserviert, erhält beim Einlass ein signiertes Exemplar von Rainers erstem Buch „Lyrisches Australien“ (Wert € 14,90) als Geschenk!

Zeit: Sonntag, 29. November 2009, Beginn: 17:00 Uhr
Eintritt: € 12,00
Location: "creative center Rochelle Park, Erdbergstraße 10, 1030 Vienna


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Will The Navy Take Me If I Have Herpes

Die Tafeln - Ein Steigbügelhalter des Sozialabbaus

Everyone will probably have picked up that word again. "Panels" . What lies behind this, however, alleged social, institution? In the course of the Hartz reforms, the wrecking ball against the welfare state has brought a little closer in position. The social services have the ALG II or social benefit will be paid based on the absolute poverty line, by the State under this Synonym rule set were summarized, but passes on any reality. The

have also seen a handful of courageous plaintiffs in such a way that have won in years of litigation on their way to the Bundesverfassungegericht to make, these unconstitutional rule set policy to the test .

There is nobody should be seriously made to believe that the rule set height allows a decent existence in any way. Here, the panels come in and suggest a gap filler that they allegedly charitable organization as the underprivileged in the country, through donated food, their people unworthy Dasein erleichtern wollen. Das Selbstverständnis lautet wie folgt:

"In Deutschland gibt es Lebensmittel im Überfluss, und dennoch haben nicht alle Menschen ihr täglich Brot.

Die Tafeln bemühen sich um einen Ausgleich:
Sie sammeln „überschüssige“, aber qualitativ einwandfreie Lebensmittel, und geben diese an Bedürftige weiter.

Tausende ehrenamtliche Helferinnen und Helfer, Spender und Sponsoren machen es möglich. Machen auch Sie mit! Jede Hilfe ist willkommen."

In Wahrheit aber ist die Tafel ein Produkt von noeliberaler Propaganda, das subtil den Sozialstaat untergraben möchte um eine Workfaregesellschaft to establish so that social spending can be minimized in the form of money. The panels are thus not an independent organization but is pursued as a neo-liberal stooges all clear goals and assists with the process that poverty in Germany is acceptable.

Critical voices in the media to be quite rare and with good reason. For hidden behind this facade of Bermherzigkeit and goodwill, the management consultancy McKinsey, which gained popularity as a sad unscrupulous Streamline.

It is then not surprising that, for "society" and "Action Man" critical comments censored because they fear for seine eigene Haut hat. Der Anlaß war ein kritisches Interview mit Stefan Selke , der die Institution "Tafeln" kritisch beleuchtet hat.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Carolina Biological Supply Company Lab Answers

Wir müssen wütend werden!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Does A Colour Chart Work

Wilfried Schmickler - Ihr!

Eine glanzvolle kabarettistische Abrechnung mit der Politik!

What To Do When Gallblader Hurts

Prüfbericht des Bundesrechnungshofs zur Effizienz der Jobcenter


Vermittlungstätigkeit (einschließlich Fallmanagement)
Anwendung zentraler arbeitsmarktpolitischer Instrumente

Prüfbericht des Bundesrechnungshof

(Es wird um rege Dissemination asked!)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Prom Dresses From Fire And Ice

GOLDENE Regeln für den ARGE-Alltag

GOLDEN RULES for the JV-day
is for beginners and advanced

Time and again, problems with and at the consortiums / job centers. The reasons are manifold:

* Applications will be out of ignorance is late or does not arise.
* Applicants can find their way not ARGE-/JobCenter-Dschungel.
* You do not know their rights and are overwhelmed by the many paragraphs.
* you are often wrong or not informed.
* you are put off, sent away and between the departments back and forth for. * The SB
not even know or want to know is not easy.
* The "compulsive saving" the performers will be implemented rigorously and ruthlessly.

This vicious cycle can break only by those who know! Many Ratings refers to various topics can be found here in our forums. But there are some basic rules that always apply. We have summarized these times for you, to give you a guide through the jungle on the JV-hand.

first Submit applications in time, ie immediately if the need is known!

second ALL aged 15 - 65 years has a right to make a benefit claim. This not only of the application for unemployment benefit II is meant but, for example, an application for initial equipment, security deposit etc.
(§ 36 paragraph 1 of Book I, § 7 paragraph 1 sentence 1 SGB II)

third Is not just for the consortium. You have a right to the presence of counsel. Take this right necessarily true. It is for your own protection.
(§ 13 para 4 SGB X)

4th Note: An application should not be confused with the application form! The form is just a "working tool" for the SB. So, if you yourself wrote a letter and submit this, then this too is a request. With "application" that is in the legal sense, a (unilateral) declaration of intention is meant, which need not necessarily be on a form.

5th The SB has the obligation to accept these requests. So get rid of, do not leave. Time is a hugely important factor, since the claims are valid from the date on which they were submitted!
(§ § 16 and 17 of Book I)

6th The SB of the Working partout refuse to accept your application? Here again there is a solution:
also a "false official" free for your concern is not responsible, you can not get rid of and must accept your application and forward it to the authorities. Also in this case is: can acknowledge receipt!
(§ 16 para 1, 2 & 3 of Book I)

7th It is alleged, the claim could not be accepted or be processed because documents are missing, for example, there is no right or similar nonsense, then you let not impressed. These statements are wrong! Also an incomplete application is an application and be adopted. Missing documents you should be submitted subsequently Just like that, so it can be decided quickly on the request. Whether entitlement or not, can and should be decided only after review of your application.
NOTE: Neither the Melde-/Ummeldebescheinigung, nor an amended certificate is required for the request! The requirement of Melde-/Ummeldebescheinigung and / or change in the statement is not only unfair, but an attempted fraud. The change in the reporting and the Melde-/Ummeldebescheinigung can be made only after move. The difference between removal and re-registration date - especially since you have 7 days time to re-register you - would you therefore not received by the Office.

8th The safest way is always a written request! Be sure to request a written opinion. That is your right and the good condition to make a decision of the Office review in court.
(§ 33 paragraph 2 of Book X)

9th Produced by each form or document which it submits to the consortium, a copy for your information!

10th Let you must acknowledge the reception! Either on your copy of the form or in amorphous schriftlichen Anträgen, auf eurer Kopie des Briefes. Sollte dies nicht möglich sein (Wochenende, ARGE geschlossen etc.), dann gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten:
a) Ihr werft den Brief im Beisein eines Zeugen in den Hausbriefkasten.
b) Ihr versendet den Brief per Einschreiben mit Rückschein.
Dies gilt auch, wenn euch eine Eingangsbestätigung rigoros verweigert wird!
WICHTIG: Ein Telefax, auch mit Sendebericht, hat KEINE Beweiskraft!

11. Gebt NIEMALS eure Originale (Mietvertrag, Kontoauszüge etc.) aus der Hand! Diese gehen zu leicht verloren oder es wird später behauptet, ihr hättet sie nie eingereicht. Ohne eure Originale habt ihr keine Beweismittel mehr in der Hand, falls there should be problems. Do not be so lulled by phrases such as ". I send them things then" or "You can take the documents then the next time again." If the / the SB said no time or no desire for, then pack your documents again. Let's give you a new appointment or insists that you take the time now for you!

12th For all originals, you just have to show (eg, rental agreement, bank statements), then: look at
ONLY! - Do not touch! Copies are usually unnecessary as a note in your file that the documents were submitted for consultation, entirely adequate.

13. Important! I, the SB is NOT your "confessor"! Too often, trying to get to the "friendly Tour" of information relevant to the application processing is not absolutely relevant. A healthy skepticism is entirely appropriate. If in doubt is asking for, for what the information is needed.

... will continue if necessary!

courtesy of Wolf27 (author)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Should A Hymen Look Like In Toddlers

Riesterrente? Nein, danke!!!

Be more than a decade will of certain political and economic corners the German social system specifically and publicly defamed through the mainstream media . The solution for the Problem is usually included in flaming praise . The intentions behind it are clear. By this negative propaganda time targeted market interests are pursued. After all of the profitable market for retirement savings and other private social insurance in Germany is an untapped market with great potential.

is thus attempts to drive through the continuous spreading of fear of old age poverty, the population in the arms of the insurance industry. The most popular child is Riester pension . Formerly named after the then Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Walter Riester . This has in its persistent lobbying parliament for the insurance industry profits made and received, benefits, of course, quite by chance, following his political career a supply post in the insurance industry, which is launching on his pension form. One hand washes the other .

It is this form of pension highly controversial but rarely discussed publicly. So what was coming and had the vertigo flew. Sent a critical contribution to the magazine "Monitor". This contribution should be to see have when you play with the idea to take out such insurance.

Thus, it is not surprising that one has to notice with a shock after a study that fewer and fewer people see the meaning of such insurance. Contracts are not completed or already besetehende be canceled for fear that the accumulated assets in unemployment, to lose again.

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basic income - a wolf in sheep's clothing

is currently one province to stirred in the media promotion for the public money of the FDP. In conversation, in that single adults are to receive a civil money every month in the amount of 662 € with which they have to make a living (meals and accommodation). On the concrete Inahlte and implications of this public money, however - and for good reason - silent.

provides the basic income of the FDP, that the welfare state should be radically reformed. Under the guise of citizen's income lies a drastic reduction of social services with the same time maintaining the sanctions and income recognition practices that are already in the ALG-II as a common practice.

The current rule set acc. SGB \u200b\u200bII and SGB-XII is for an adult single 359 euros per month. For this set of rules must be met everyday life. In addition to the rule set reasonable costs of accommodation will be paid. The appropriateness of that accommodation costs is geared to the current local guidelines current use by the social service provider as Referrenz. As you can see it's a common misconception that you enjoy as ALG II recipients of a full supply.

be abstracted from the current rule set amount of money would remain with the citizens of the FDP only a rental fee of 303 € remains. This game package does not apply to some extent reflect the reality of life! Not to mention that the rental costs vary depending on location, it would be impossible adequate accommodation for a monthly rent of 303 € to find. If only for the reason that the starting conditions turn out differently than in Munich, for example, in Kiel.

This reality is but deliberately excluded in this model. The FDP, so they argued, would provide citizens with the new monetary incentives to work. Translated, this means that one wishes to increase the pressure on people with less power to adopt in order to compel every possible job.

exposes the social gift of the FDP, thus a sham , a significant reduction in the current rule set and a serious aggravation of the social situation in Germany could result.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How To Break In A Akadema Glove

The lower class - a cabaret-definition

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Object That Will Be Of Immense Value In 200 Years

agency undercover - my secret life in German factories

How To Find A Travel Trailer Owners Manual

full employment - Pinnochio would probably be envious

One often hears from the mouths of politicians that it is their goal of full employment in the country. This demand is essentially honest. But this is even possible? Today I want to do away with the story a little. First, the question should be clarified what actually means full employment. An extract from Wikipedia .

"in political debate is full employment, seen mostly in connection with the fight against unemployment. It is defined here as no exceedance a certain percentage of unemployment, for example, less than 2%. In regions with extremely high levels of employment but can be actually observed unemployment rates of below 2% (eg Italy with an unemployment rate of 1.9%). "

Currently we have an official unemployment rate of 8.0%. tendency of increasing quota can. From full employment neither now are still in the future the question. How much one can trust such statistics and the related derivatives (mis) I have already explained in my contribution to the unemployment figures.

The unemployment rate is currently under to the Federal Employment Agency (Sep. 09) 3.346 million Menschen. Wenn man also Vollbeschäftigung etablieren wollen würde müsste man die Arbeitslosenquote von derzeit 8% auf 2% reduzieren. Ein kühnes Projekt! In Zahlen würde dies wie folgt aussehen:

8% Arbeitslosenquote = 3.346.000 Menschen
2% Arbeitslosenquote = 0.836.500 Menschen
Benötigte Stellen = 2.509.500

Das diese Zahl mehr als utopisch ist scheint die Regierung jedoch nicht zu stören. Es hört sich gut an und vermittelt, dem vielleicht politischen desinteressierten Bürger, daß man willens ist die Lage zu verbessern. Ob dies jedoch objektiv möglich ist spielt dabei keine Rolle. Darüber hinaus is also made no statement about how the pay of these jobs look like. It can therefore be assumed that they would continue the work that is prakarisieren expansion of temporary work , the dumping wages and employment measures, such as one-euro jobs. Full employment at any price then. Ver.di recently this trend has also been confirmed in their publication.

Apparently not arrived in Berlin that we in the 21st Century arrived. Due to technical progress has made it possible that the number of goods can be produced by fewer and fewer people konkrekt ie, that a more larger segment of the population will literally be "redundant." These Anstiegt of automation and productivity most mass layoffs are connected. The current crisis, many entrepreneurs an opportunity to willkommenner his expensive permanent staff to dispose of. Warns the OECD in its publication . If the economy should come back in the corridor, you will serve areas to the much cheaper and temporary workers, because in comparison to permanent staff very much paid less can be thrown off and do whatever again. The shortfall due to poor remuneration paralyze the entire country in its financial flexibility.

Wie sieht aber die Lage aktuelle in unserem Land aus? Besucht man die Job-Börse der Bundesagentur für Arbeit wird einem stolz mitgeteilt wieviel offene Positionen angeboten werden.

Heute sind es z.B. 415.309 offene Stellen. Auch wenn es sich bei diesen Positionen meist nur um prekäre Karrieren bei Zeitarbeitsfirmen handelt nehme ich sie mit in die Kalkulation ein. Dieser Zahl stehen - wie bereits geschrieben - 3.346.000 Menschen ohne Arbeit sowie das Problem der steigenden Automatisierung und Produktivität gegenüber. Auch wenn man alle Stellen erfolgreich besetzen könnte hätte man weiterhin eine Arbeitslosenzahl von 2.930.691 . Man darf sich also berechtigt ask how the government would provide the required work?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dark Spots On Frozen Salmon

The Armuntsindustrie

As the title suggests, has in Germany, are established introduction of the Hartz laws, a new industry. adopted This is a continuing education and training industry, the mafia-like structures. Under the funding policy of the Federal Employment Agency, they enriched themselves under the guise of parasitic secure the tax money to be its own existence.

The task of the Federal Employment Agency is primarily in the recruitment of unemployed people in social security work. To improve the teaching unemployed people may be qualified to ihre Aussichten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu verbessern und um sich somit für einen potentiellen Arbeitgeber interessant zu machen. Soviel zur Theorie der Idee.

Zunächst ist gegen diese Argumentation nichts einzuwenden. Auf dem Papier macht diese Logik durchaus Sinn. Die Realität zeigt aber, daß ein Großteil dieser Weiterbildungsinstitute das deutsche Sozialsystem für sich entdeckt hat und es ausnimmt ohne dabei einen positiven Effekt für die Betroffenen zu erzielen.

Die Fördergelder die monatlich pro Teilnehmer gezahlt werden liegen im dreistelligen Bereich und werden ausschließlich aus Steuergeldern finanziert. Die Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten die dort vermittelt werden haben jedoch sehr wenig mit einer Wiedereingliederung together in the primary labor market.

usually sees it this way, as people are parked literally. This has a positive spin on the unemployment statistics. This reduces in fact with any participant who must participate in such actions. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a non-profit training institutes springing up like mushrooms from the soil. It is, for the Institute, easy money and saves many stranded pseudo-educators a regular income. On the other hand, keep track of the people whom you really should and must help.

serve you in this perfidious game unfortunately only as Durlauf item in the procurement of taxpayers' money. The ARD has written on that an interesting report that sheds light on this issue appropriately. So that everyone can make yourself a picture of these states, I attached the documentation to my post.

We must face seriously the question of who in this country the true social parasites are. When one is affected by the poverty industry should have no aversion to this Exploiters to publicly denounce .

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Unemployment Statistics - A story from Nuremberg

Have you ever wondered what is going on with the unemployment rate to be? Have you maybe asked why decrease despite the economic crisis, the unemployment figures? Then you're probably not alone with your thoughts.

The unemployment statistics is announced monthly by the Federal Labour Agency in Nuremberg. No matter what happens in the world at present, Germany seems to be immune. The Federal Labour Agency makes use of simple statistical tricks with which they doctored statistics to taste the truth to cover up.

came to this realization, the research of the magazine Panorama.

As you can see that is is not gold that glitters. But what you do not proclaim to all the people that the government is successful?

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jobless inger many

Now I've also indulged in the luxury and have created a blog. topic of this blog is, as the name suggests, like unemployment in Germany with all its associated consequences.

With this blog I all interested a little insight deliver in this issue. The fate of the unemployment is due to the ongoing Current economic crisis than ever. This means that in future have to set it apart more and more people, because they are likely to be directly affected.

Even the people who had fallen perhaps always the mistaken belief that it would not meet them.

(The content of the blog are merely my opinion under Art. 5 (1) represents the Basic Law)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Victoria Paris Escort?

October 2009 Lakshminarayana Subramaniam Ensemble &

Festival Salam.Orient www.rochuspark.at - Lakshminarayana Subramaniam Ensemble & God of Indian Violin

Lakshminarayana Subramaniam been trained in the Carnatic tradition of South India and in Western classical music. He has mastered an enormous range of styles and repertoire.

documented is his work in countless recordings with the likes of Yehudi Menuhin, Stephane Grappelli, Larry Coryell, Stanley Clarke and Herbie Hancock. Subramaniam wrote the music for the film "Salaam Bombay", "Mississippi . Masala "and was a soloist in Bernardo Bertolucci's" Little Buddha "

Produced in cooperation with Salam.Orient, kindly supported by bm. Ukk and Vienna culture

Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 19: 30 Clock
Location: ORF Radio House of Culture, Great Sendesaal Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Vienna
Admission: EUR 25, -28, -
With RadioKulturhaus Advantage Card for 10% and 30% reduction
Ticket requests by phone (01) 501 70 377 or by e-mail: radiokulturhaus@orf.at

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Let's Get To Rumble Basketball Game Song

Skype in the classroom

Skype in the classroom: Busy entrepreneurs or workers usually have no time to go to a school building and to face the questions of the class. Arrival and departure usually more time consuming than attending the class. So why do not we save that time and get right to the essence?

We need a PC with Internet connection, a webcam, a headset and the software Skype. Using a webcam, the voice gets a face and I want to see that class is not excited when our practical questions answered now, or even hiring! If then also speaks English, but then they are excited our students. Well, if these emotions are not for a anchorage in the acute care long-term memory - including the preparation and review?
But the cost will lead immediately to the school administration, so are simply null. Besides the internet connection that I will certainly pay a flat rate, at no cost, as we use for the Internet. That is, if we call our partners do not call on the landline or mobile phone but on the PC.
Questions? The best that the students who know the intended and if that's too embarrassing still gets a link here to research, including PowerPoint file: skypeinschools

And maybe I can have someone say, why the Americans here again once so numerous represented are?

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eLearning with Moodle at the HAK in Innsbruck

elearning 2008/2009 IBK: During my school experience, at the HAK in Innsbruck, I could use a second class in Moodle. In a class we use Moodle in the second Temteachingverbund and in another class, I could fall back on it alone. After completing the internship, I now have to undergo the last time my results and findings of a more precise reflection and examination.